Account Settings
- How to recognize a phishing scam?
- How do I track my login sessions?
- How do I disable Two-Factor Authentication?
- How do I sign into multiple accounts?
- How do I export my account data?
- How do I crop account profile photo? | Landlord
- How do I sign out of all devices at once?
- How do I upload account profile photo? | Landlord
- How do I change my account currency? | Landlord
- What do I do if I forget my password?
- How do I delete my account? | Landlord
- How do I change my email address? | Landlord
- How do I set my time zone?
- How do I change date and time format? | Landlord
- How do I use Two-Factor Authentication?
- How do I remove account profile photo? | Landlord
- How do I change my password?
- Having trouble finding your authentication code? | Landlord
- How do I edit profile settings?
Upgrade my account
- How do I see what plan I am subscribed to?
- When do charges stop when I cancel my subscription plan?
- How do I cancel or pause my subscription plan?
- How do I upgrade my plan? | Landlord
- How do I view my billing history?
- Why is my account subscription overdue?
- How do I switch to a monthly subscription plan if I'm on annual?
- How do I apply a coupon?
- How do I remove a saved card?
- How do I pay annually?
- How do I view my saved cards?
- What is sales tax?
- How do I save a card for purchases within the system?
- How do I switch my account mode from Landlord to Property Manager?
- How do I get more space for file storage?
Accounting Settings
- Can an email be automatically sent to the tenant when rent is due?
- How do I set the number of days early to post the recurring transactions?
- How do I set up a grace period?
- How do I adjust QuickBooks settings to enable updating an invoice or bill?
- How do I synchronize my data into QuickBooks?
- How do I adjust QuickBooks settings to enable the discount for the invoice?
- How can I assign a class or label?
- How do I enable/disable partial online payments option?