How can I assign a class or label?
Location and class tracking features within QuickBooks Online allow users to categorize and organize their financial transactions based on various criteria. These features are available with specific subscription plans for your QuickBooks Online account. (For more detailed information, please refer to the QuickBooks Online Help Center).
You can manage these features in your QuickBooks Online account settings. Once your account is successfully synchronized with your QuickBooks Online account, this information will be displayed in your “QuickBooks Online connection” section.

If “Track classes” and “Track locations” are disabled on your QuickBooks Online account, then they will be displayed as “Off“.
The selected data will be displayed if “Track classes” and “Track locations” are enabled on your QuickBooks Online account. To enable them please go to your QuickBook account settings. Then click on the "Edit" icon and enable the toggles.

Last updated:
Mar. 20, 2024