Extended job search
From now on, you'll have even more jobs shown in your area as we've extended the search and made it more flexible. Once you enter a ZIP code, the search will scan all possible jobs that match your criteria in a radius of 100 km.
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Find a Job
Great news! Service Pro can find jobs within the system. For that, go to "Find a job" section, suggest a bid and send a request to the Landlord. You can also send additional questions to landlord before sending a job request.
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Promote your public business profile
Each Service Pro has a great opportunity to increase the rating of their public business profile and receive reviews from their landlords for completed job. This is great opportunity to promote your website.
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Data export
Now Service Pro can export needed data at any time. We’ve grouped the main features and Service Pro can export only needed items or enable “Select all“ toggle button and export all items in zip file.
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