How does CRM work?

We have created our own unique Customer Relationship Management called "Leads" - a feature which allows landlords/ property managers to keep track of their interactions with potential tenants or owners. 

To see leads, please go to the Leasing -> Leads page on the left side of your account:

Please note! Landlords need to have an active Marketing website and have listed properties in order for prospective tenants to request a tour, send a question etc. 

If a prospective tenant has requested a tour, filled out a form or sent a question on the Marketing website, the landlord will receive a new lead on the "Leads" page.

This link might be helpful:
How do I activate and edit content on my landlord website?
How do I list a unit to Marketing websites?

You can also easily communicate with your leads in the system using Messenger. You will receive messages from potential applicants in the “Leads” channel when they use the Send a message/Request a tour option on the particular listing page, or Contact Us form on your Listing Website.

Please note!
This option is available for messaging with US numbers only.

Landlords can collect leads in the following ways:

  1. Add them manually. (Please note! Landlords can add leads for tenants only. Property Managers can add leads for tenants and owners.)

       2. Landlords can send an invitation to apply online from the Applications page. If a landlord has added 10 emails, the system should create 10 leads.

       3. Landlords can send "Invite to Apply" from Rentler Leads.

       4. Tenants can press "Apply online" on a particular listing. The lead will be created after the rental application is submitted.

       5. Landlords can receive tour requests/ask questions/contact forms from tenants who have requested it from a particular listing on marketing websites.

Please note! If two leads are applying with the same email, the system will not create two separate leads. You will see in the Timeline as an already created lead. Only one email address can be added per lead.

Leads can be of two types:

If a landlord adds or receives a new lead it is Hot by default.

You can easily change the type of the lead on the lead's edit page or by clicking the Hot/Cold icon on a particular lead's view page.

There are three statuses of a lead:


You can easily change the status of the lead by selecting the needed option from the three-dot menu.

The lead becomes Cold once it's in Closed status. 

Buttons on the left side of the screen indicate the following: Create a note, Create a task, and Log a call/meeting.

This link might be helpful:
What can I do with a lead?

All actions taken with a lead are shown in the Activity section of its profile.

Landlords will receive email and feed notifications if a tenant requests a tour, sends a question, or sends questions from the contact form.

You may export your leads by clicking the “CVS” button in the upper right. The file will accommodate the list of your leads with all the given information like email address, phone number, listing, etc. You may download an all-in-one file as well as apply filters and get the file with the specific criteria.



Last updated:
May 28, 2024