How do I manage who pays transaction fees and customize payment methods?
By default, a payer is responsible for transaction fees. However, you have the option to pay the fee instead. Please contact the support team if you want to customize who pays the fee.

Please note! You need to set up Online Payments first to be able to customize the settings.
The links below may be useful:
How do I set up an individual Online payments account?
How do I set up a business Online payments account?
Transaction fees may be applied for tenant and owner card payments. In regards to bank payments, only tenants are subject to transaction fees. ACH payments are free for owners.
Also, you can modify permissions for card or bank payments for all tenants/owners at once here as well. If you would like to allow or block all tenants/owners from paying with any payment method proposed, simply enable or disable the checkmark and confirm your action:

Please note! Card payments for owners are disabled by default. The manage payments methods option for owners is visible in the Property Manager mode only.
You can still adjust payment methods settings for each tenant/owner individually in their contact profile.
This link may be helpful for you:
How do I block a specific tenant from paying online?
Last updated:
Mar. 22, 2024