How do I require tenants to sign a separate agreement clause?

You can require tenants to sign a separate agreement clause on the last "Agreement & Signature" step of the move-in process while editing an existing lease or creating a new one:

These links might be helpful:

How do I create a lease?
How do I edit a lease?

Add the agreement verbiage or copy & paste your own by clicking on +Create new template, choose the "Fields" tab and simply drag and drop the Signature/Initials fields to place them into the template where the document should be signed. You can add as many fields as needed to cover all required clauses:

Select who should sign the specific clause by clicking on the "Assigned to" option and that exact tenant will be able to provide the Signature/Initials on that field. Make sure that all fields are assigned, otherwise, they will be ignored:

You can easily remove the Signature/Initials fields. Click on delete button on your keyboard or click on the remove button on the right menu:

Finally, press the "send to sign" button and the lease will be sent to the tenant(s) to sign. Once the lease is signed, you will receive a notification and lease documents will be generated into Shared Attachments:



Last updated:
Mar. 20, 2024