What is Premium Leads?

The software has partnered with Rentler to match available tenants to software landlord's properties and make renting easier for everyone. Premium Leads is a great feature if you need to fill the vacancies faster. You'll save time by finding tenants long before you even list a property! Tenants who often pay hefty fees for finding a new rental can now get exposure to listings for free, while landlords can easily find new tenants that match their listings.
Who can use the Premium Leads feature?
- A verified landlord with listed units;
- Any tenant registered on software.
These links might be helpful:
How do I verify my account?
Subscription plans & pricing
How does it work for the tenant:
Tenants using the Rentler app will be sent your listing and if it fits what they are looking for they will show up as a potential Premium Lead under your listing.

The listings they see are software Rentals, i.e. listed units from verified landlords.
Learn more: What is Rentals?
Once a tenant chooses a rental they're interested in, they can then apply online or send a question to the landlord.
How it works for the landlord:
Landlords can see potential tenants on their Premium Leads page. Keep in mind that this feature is only active when there are listed units.

If there are no listed units but the Premium Lead is available, and if there are no matches, but the feature is available you will see the following information:

Please note! Potential tenants are visible in Premium Leads only when a tenant's search preferences match a listed unit. Since tenants can alter their search preferences, the number of tenant leads found changes accordingly.
You are welcome to invite potential tenants to apply for your listings online, view their profile or ignore them.

Once you've invited a tenant, they will appear on the Leads page. Also, keep an eye on your Applications page for an application from this tenant.
Please note! Make sure your settings allow online applications. Go to Settings → Rental Applications to enable tenants to apply online.
Here is a helpful article showing how search preference functionality works from the tenant's perspective:
How do I update my search preferences?
Last updated:
May. 30, 2024