How do I add deposits?

To add deposits, go to the "Accounting" menu on your dashboard. Click on the " + Money In" button and select the "Deposit" option from the drop-down list. This way the system will allow you to create a liability type of transaction:


Then you need to choose the category/sub-category, payer/payee for the deposit, amount, property and due date. You may add details or attach a file if you need to. Press the "Create" button and then "Confirm" buttons:

If you are connected with a tenant, have shared the lease, and both parties have set up online payments, your tenant can pay it online. 

Deposits can also be added when creating or editing the lease. Switch to the Lease transactions step and scroll down the page to the Deposits section: Click on the "+add deposit" button. Select the category of the deposit, invoice date and total amount to be paid.

If you are editing the lease, click the "Next step" button and update the lease.

These links might be helpful:
How to return a deposit?
How to apply deposits towards invoices?

Last updated:
Jul. 12, 2024