How do I schedule a rent increase or decrease?

To schedule a rent increase or decrease, go to the “Contacts” page from the left-side menu of your dashboard. The list of tenants should be configured to show the moved-in tenants. Click on the “View profile” option for the needed tenant:

Switch to the Leaes tab, find the necessary lease and click “View” to see the lease details:

Then select the “Increase/Decrease rent” option from the three-dots menu. Click on the "Increase/Decrease" option, choose between "Fixed amount" or the "Percentage" options, and press the "Confirm rent increase/decrease" button:

Please note! If the invoicing type is where the tenants pay individually, then only the "Percentage" option will be available. 

You can view the rent increase on the lease details page on the “Recurring transactions” tab. If you need to cancel or update the rent payments, simply click “Edit” on the Increase/Decrease Rent banner and see the rent increase/decrease settings. 


Please note!
The system will start to post the updated invoice starting the next rent cycle depending on the schedule specified in the lease. 


Last updated:
May 27, 2024