How do I manage notifications?

In the Notifications settings, you can control and disable notifications, so the system only notifies you about the things you care about. 

Email notification – to your email inbox.
Feed – inside your account.
Push – mobile alerts can only be received and managed by mobile app users.

Security: allows you to enable or disable notifications about your login activity — an additional security notification to check your IP address, location, and device login. 

These links might be useful:  

New Leads: allows you to stay updated about new leads found matching your active listings, if applicable.

You can choose to be notified instantly, hourly, or daily. Whereas the instant option will send you an email/feed/push notification as soon as a new lead appears, the hourly option will send you a summary of all new leads for the previous hour, and the daily option will send you a daily wrap-up of all leads discovered.

Communication: enable or disable notifications about new messages on Messenger.

Rental Application: turn on or off notifications about new applications submitted by prospective tenants. Select instantly if you wish to be notified right away, when a tenant submits an application; hourly to receive a notification displaying all new applications in the past hour; or daily, which will wrap up all new applications submitted that day.

Online Payments: you may enable or disable notifications about online payment status: whether they are initiated, failed, or successfully cleared. You will receive such notifications whether you are the receiver or the sender.

Tasks assigned: turn on/off notifications when a new task is assigned to you by other team members, if applicable.

Connection Updates: enable or disable notifications when Tenants, Services Pros, or Owners accept or decline your connection request.

Equipment: turn on/off the 30-day equipment warranty expiration.

Listing inquiries: enable or disable notifications about new questions and tour requests from potential tenants.

Screening Reports: turn on/off notifications when the screening request is sent to the applicant, canceled by the applicant, and when the report is ready.

Invoices: enable or disable all invoices-related notifications: whether they are posted, due, or overdue.

Lease: helps you manage notifications about:

  • leases expiration dates in one place. You may select to be notified 30, 60, 90 or 120 days before the fixed lease's end date.
  • renters' Insurance expiration - 5, 15, or 30 days before.
  • lease agreement or notice signed online by a tenant.

Maintenance Requests: enable or disable notifications about new requests submitted by tenants or service pros, when their status changes, about new messages in Maintenance Chats, or when Requests are resolved.

Marketing emails: subscribe or unsubscribe from marketing-related content

Please note!

  • If you have other team members, each team member will have their own Notifications, which they can only enable/disable if "manage" permission is granted. Team members will only receive notifications based on the properties that have been assigned to them.
  • Tenants will have their Notification settings which can be enabled/disabled.

To view feed notifications, click on the Feed notifications icon on your dashboard:

Notifications in the feed are posted in date and time order. All new notifications are labeled "New." You can mark and separate notifications as read by clicking the "Got it" link next to them. You can also mark ALL notifications as read by clicking the "Mark all as read" button in the upper right corner of the page:

You may access Notification Settings when clicking on the gear icon: 




Last updated:
May 16, 2024