What badges can I receive?
You can receive three badges that will be displayed on your public business profile - ID verification, Background Check, License. You can have only an ID verification badge, ID verification, and Background Check or all at once.
ID verification means that you have passed our internal verification that helps to build a safe community and avoid any account-related issues. In order to pass ID verification, you need to send us a clear, readable photo of you holding an ID, pass the phone verification and our Verification Manager will review your submission as soon as possible.

The Background Check badge lets landlords know that you are a qualified and capable worker they can trust. This verification is required if you would like to find new jobs within the system. You may request a background check report during the account verification process or you may request it later at any time (once your ID has been verified).
Please note!
If you would like to try one free job offer this badge is not required.
The License badge shows that you are a person or company that performs work on a contract basis and have a license or certificate. It's a part of the background check report, although it is not mandatory if it is not applicable.
Please note!
Background Check report costs $49.99. It is valid for 1 year.
Last updated:
Apr. 12, 2024