What is the difference between Basic Request and Advanced Request of maintenance request?
When it comes to creating a Maintenance request, the landlord will have two options to choose from: Basic or Advanced requests.
The Basic request is a short and quick form to fill out, which creates a Maintenance request just in a few minutes. You can add the most basic information about the issue like category, description of the request and photos/video.
With the Advanced request you can add all information about the issue, add photos/video, select the assignee, link equipment, add materials and more.

The main difference between Basic and Advanced Maintenance requests is that the first one does not include the following sections: equipment, tenant’s information, available date & time, assignee & materials as well as an email notification option.
Please note!
Both Basic and Advanced requests can be edited later and can be filled with more details.
Please note!
Advanced requests are available for desktops only.
This might be helpful:
How do I submit a maintenance request for property?
Last updated:
Mar. 29, 2024