How do I filter my owners?

In order to filter your Owners, go to the Contacts > Owners page from the left side menu. Owner contacts are displayed with agreement on this page by default.

Click on the "Sort by" drop-down at the top of the page if you would like to sort owners by A-Z or Z-A:

Using the Search box you can search for owners by:

  • first name
  • last name
  • company name
  • email

The Filter option provides a more advanced way of searching for owners. You can filter owners by:

- Owner type:

  • active
  • archived 

- Assigned property: 

  • includes the list of properties

- Agreement

  • owners with agreement
  • owners with no agreement

- Agreement Status:

  • draft
  • active
  • signature
  • ended

- Connection:

  • connected
  • not connected



Last updated:
May. 28, 2024