How do I filter my tenants?

To filter your Tenants, go to the “Contacts” page from the left-side menu of your dashboard and select Tenants.

Contacts are shown in grid view mode by default, but you may switch to list view:

Tenants are sorted alphabetically by default.

The Filters option provides a more advanced way of searching contacts.

The Search line located above allows searching by the tenant's first/last name as well as by email.

The Tenant type filter allows you to search active and archived contacts.

The Property & Units filter helps you to search tenants by properties and units.

The Lease filter shows tenants with or without the lease.

The Lease status filter allows you to search the tenants by status with the multi-select option available:

  • Active
  • Future
  • Past
  • Ended
  • Signature pending
  • Draft
  • Insurance pending

By clicking on More filters you’ll have the option to add a Lease expiration filter, Lease type, and Connection.

Use the Lease expiration filter to view leases expired in:

  • 0-30 days
  • 30-60 days
  • 60-90 days
  • 90+ days

The Lease type filter helps you track fixed and month-to-month lease types.

Also, you can easily Save filters.




Last updated:
May 27, 2024