How do I view a tenant profile?
In order to view a tenant profile, open Contacts → "Tenants" from your left side menu and click "View profile" for the required tenant:
On your tenant's profile you will see the following tabs: "Profile", "Leases", "Transactions", "Insurance", “Applications” and "Requests".
- Profile: shows the tenant's general information, attachments, etc.
- Leases: looks at your tenant's active/ended lease details.
- Transactions: provides all the tenant's invoices to date. You can track the funds your tenant sent to and received.
- Insurance: shows insurance details if the tenant is covered with renter’s insurance.
- Applications: shows all the tenant’s applications in Approved status.
- Requests: shows all the requests that are shared with the tenant.
The three dots menu at the top right provides you with multiple options:
- Edit: Press this button to edit your tenant’s information.
- Send connection/Remove connection: Choose this option to establish a connection request with your tenant or to remove the connection.
- Move in: Use this option to move a tenant in to your property and create a lease.
- Add an invoice: This is the quickest way to create an invoice and charge your tenant.
- Manage bulk invoices: Use this option to manage property or general invoices in bulk.
- Add insurance: This is the quickest way to add insurance information.
- Archive: Use this option to archive a tenant.
- Delete: Press this button to delete a tenant’s contact. This action removes related leases and related transactions.
Under your tenant's first and last name, you can see the quickest ways to return deposits, view outstanding invoices, and apply credits to unpaid invoices:
- Outstanding: Press the "Receive" button to see the list of outstanding invoices and mark them as paid/delete if needed.
- Deposits: Press the "Return" button if you would like to return a deposit to your tenant.
- Credits: Press the "Apply" button to apply credits toward a tenant's open invoices.
You can download a Tenant Statement Report, which shows a tenant's accounting based on when it was due. The report includes deposits, prepaid rent, and other deposits. It will also include all invoices outstanding to date.
Last updated:
May. 27, 2024