Property Owner Statement Report

To access the Property Owner Statement report, open the Reports page from the left-side menu. Here you can find the respective card in the Rental / Financial / Calculators section (if the “swimlane by type” is enabled) and will be able to mark a report as favorite to move it to the top of the section.

This report shows the income and expenses of a property or group of properties that belong to a specific owner. It is often used to report property income and expenses to an owner, as well as track information on all properties of an owner.

Please note!
The report is not shared with the owner by default. To enable sharing, the property manager needs to change the configuration in the owner's account. 

This might be useful:
How do I set which reports an owner can view?

Please note!
The Property Owner Statement Report is available starting from the Pro subscription plan. 

Icons in the top right corner of the page indicate the following:

Info Tip: Hover over it to read a brief report description.
Sharing options: Hover over it to see if an owner has access to it.
Help: Click on this icon if you want to read the complete article on how to use this report.

When generating the Property Owner Statement Report, you can adjust the following criteria:

Date Range
You can adjust your own “custom range” by choosing a start and end date to generate the report, or you can use the pre-set date range options, including all, last month, last 90 days, this year, last quarter, last year, and year to date.

Lease status
You can choose whether you want to see transactions of active leases or all leases. 

Filter by Property/Owner
You can filter by property or by assigned owner. If you select Multi-unit type, then a field for unit number will appear and you can select the unit.

Please note!
A preview of the report is available if you have selected the specific property from the dropdown menu (if you have more than one). If you select ALL, you will be able to download the report only.

Optional Columns
You can check the boxes of any additional columns you want to add to the report, including: sub-category, payer/payee, and/or details.

Please note!
There are no grouping options in the Property Owner Statement report. Data is sorted by the payment due date (oldest → recent).


Preview the report
The Preview button gives you the option to preview the complete report as a PDF file in a new tab. You can go through it and download it if all is correct, go back and adjust other settings, or just close the tab.

Downloading the report
Click the "download" button to generate the Property Owner Statement Report. The report is generated into one file, and you can download it as an Excel or PDF file. The "preview" and "download" buttons will be inactive if there is no information on the chosen criteria or you have no properties added.
Please note!

If the file is very large, it will be compressed into a zip file which you will need to unzip.

What categories does this report include?

This report includes property-related income and expense transactions, transactions with the management fee *category and its sub-categories (if they were created in Property Manager Mode), and the Tenant Charges & Fees and Owner Contributions/Distributions transactions. 
Please note!

If the report is automatically shared with the assigned owner(s), they will see only those Tenant Charges & Fees transactions that were marked as visible to the owner(s) of that property.
If you are using Property Management Mode, the Management Fee category is considered as an expense for the property manager and owner. 

Included Statuses:
-partially paid

Not included categories:
-Liability (deposits and credits)
-General Income
-General Expense

Not included statuses:

Transactions of all lease statuses (active, past, ended, future, signature/insurance pending) except leases in draft status will be included in the Property Owner Statement.

Please note!
Income invoices are on a cash basis and expense invoices are on an accrual basis. 

The report sample:


Last updated:
Sep. 20, 2024