How do I add a Property Management Agreement template?
The Property Management Agreement is a contract between the owner of a property and the company or person hired to manage the property.
To add a Property Management Agreement Template, please open the Documents page from the left-side menu and select the Templates sub-page.

You can use the Basic Property Management Agreement, which is free, from the Landlord Forms tab. Using this document does not constitute receiving legal advice, nor does it imply or create an attorney-client relationship.
Please note! This option is available only for users from the United States.

Or add a new one that meets your requirements.
Please note!
The option to add the Property Management Agreement Template is only visible in Property Management Mode. The Property Manager must be connected to the Owners and have properties assigned to them.
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How do I switch my account mode from Landlord to Property Manager?
Can I connect owners to properties if I am a property manager?
To add your own Property Management Agreement, go to the My Templates tab. Click on the "+Create New Template" button. There are two template flow types: Copy&Paste and Upload PDF (available for Tenant Agreements and Notices only).
Please note! With our dynamic PDF Editor tool, you are able to upload PDF files and add elements such as signature, initials, and date signed to clauses you want. You can also add and require information from your tenants using the textbox element.

On the first step, you need to fill in the "Template Title" field and select the document type "Owner Agreement".

In the Template Builder, paste the desired document template. You can drag or double-click auto-fill elements to enter them into your template if you have content that you wish to be auto-filled during the Property Management Agreement process.

On the Attachments & Initials step, you can attach any related attachments that are specific to this template. These attachments will be automatically added to the agreement attachment section when you select this template during the Property Management Agreement process. Also, you can include Initials with this template that will be added at the bottom of each page.
Note: You can attach up to 10 files.

Click on the "Create template" button to create your Property Management Agreement Template. It will be saved on the My Templates tab among the other manually created templates. Once you’ve created this template, you can select it from the list while in the Property Management Agreement process.

In order to edit/delete the created Property Management Agreement template go to the "Document Templates" settings and switch to the My Templates tab. Select the desired template. Click on the Actions Dots menu and select the Edit template/Delete template option:

Please note!
If you confirm “Delete template“, this action cannot be undone.
Last updated:
Mar. 21, 2024