What notifications can tenants and landlords receive based on a lease?
The software allows you to enable email, feed, and push (for the app version) notification options to keep you notified about new invoices and due dates. If you want to receive lease expiration alerts, you can set up an email, feed, or push notification for that as well.
Please note! You cannot enable or disable notifications for your tenants. Your tenants can adjust the notification settings on their end.

In the Notifications settings, you can adjust the notifications you'd like to receive based on a list:
- Lease expiration dates: you may select to be notified 30, 60, 90, or 120 days before the lease's end date. You may also select to be notified when a lease/notice is signed by a tenant.
- Renters' Insurance Expiration: you may select to be notified 5, 15, or 30 days before the insurance is expired.
- You may also enable or disable notifications about invoices, whether they are initiated, failed, or successfully cleared.
Last updated:
Mar. 26, 2024