How do I change/edit a tenant's email address?

To be able to change/edit a tenant's email address, open "Contacts" from your left side menu and select "View profile" for the required tenant. Select "Actions" in the right upper corner and choose the "Edit" button:

Please note! 
Once you are connected with your tenant, the email address section is locked and cannot be edited while the connection is active. To be able to change/edit a tenant's email address, you must "Remove Connection" with your tenant first. This can be done via Actions > Remove Connection:

Once the connection request is removed, you can make any changes to the tenant's "Email" section, as well as reconnect with the tenant. Press the "Update" button to save the changes:

Please note!
If a connected tenant changes the email address, it automatically gets updated in the profile. The connection is based on the unique email address.



Last updated:
May 27, 2024