What information about me does my potential landlord see?
Once you’ve decided to access potential job offers and activate your Business Profile, make sure to fill in all accurate and valid information, project descriptions, and photos that represent you and your services, as all this information will be displayed on your public profile.
Please check out the list of general requirements of the “Find a Job” feature:
- The feature is available for US-based Service Pros only;
- Service Pro has activated its Business Profile;
- Find a job is available from the Starter Subscription Plan. There is one FREE bid available, just in case, the Service Pro on a free plan had their ID verified.
- Service Pro has to verify their ID and pass the Background Check.
This might be helpful:
How can I find a job within the system?
Let’s take a look at the Bidding System, how it works, and what information will be displayed right away for a prospective client.
Once the system finds a matching bid that suits your Service Categories and Zip Codes, you can apply for a work order and suggest your rate to fix the issue.
After you’ve requested a job, the potential landlord will receive your offer and will be able to view general information about you, including:
- your Profile Picture if it was added to your business profile settings, otherwise your Initials will be displayed instead.
- your First and Last Name, as it is entered in your business profile settings.
- your Profession - professions you have added to “Professional Services“ in the business profile.
- the amount, you have suggested in response to the current job offer.
- the Landlord may also move straight to your Business Profile and view all information about you, including Verifications Badges (ID, Background Check and License (optional)) and your Reviews if there are any (your previous Landlords may rate your completed tasks and leave the feedback).
- Landlords can also write a message if they have any additional questions.

Keeping your Business Profile current and providing relevant information as well as photos, descriptions of your services, and positive reviews from other Landlords will give you a better chance of being hired!
Last updated:
Apr. 11, 2024