How do I edit my business profile?
Your Business Profile contains a description of your professional services, your contact info, business address, and much more. To edit the information, click “Edit” on the Business Settings widget from the Dashboard and select the “Business Profile” tab or go to "Settings" > “Business Profile“:

Please note!
If your Business profile is not activated you’ll see the “Activate” button on the Business settings widget on your Dashboard. Click “Activate” button to activate it in Settings.

The Contact Information section contains your first/last name, company name, and phone number. Enable “Display phone number publicly” if you would like for your phone number to be visible to clients on your public business profile site:

Please note! First/last name and company name can be edited under Account settings and will sync to your Business name once you change it. Your name is visible to your clients on your public business profile.
The Business Address section contains your business address. Select either “Show full address” or “Show city and state to customer,” to be shown on your public business profile.
The Professional Services section details which services you specialize in. Describing your services in detail will give you a higher chance of a customer choosing you:

Cover Photo allows you to select a cover photo of your business to be displayed on your public business profile:

If you would like to update your subdomain for your business, visit your public business profile and choose the Job Preferences tab:

Last updated:
Apr. 11, 2024