How do I filter transactions in my accounting?

Transactions Subpage

The filtering option provides a more advanced way of controlling what transactions are displayed in your accounting. The transaction page shows all transactions by default. 

To filter the information in your accounting, go to the Accounting page and switch to the Transactions subpage

The filter option allows you to filter information by:

  • Date
  • Client
  • Property and units
  • Transaction category/sub-category
  • Transaction status
  • Accounting type

In the "Date" section, you can choose the ready-to-use options or enter your custom date range:

By clicking the "Clear all" button, you'll return to the default filter settings:


Balances Subpage

To filter balance information, open the Balances subpage. The filters allow you to filter balance information by:

  • Property and units
  • Status
  • Client
  • Lease status

You can also switch between date ranges of 0-30/30-60/60-90/90+ days and all time, for more efficient tracking of outstanding balances.
The Balances page can be shown in compact view or expanded view:


Recurring Subpage

In order to filter the list of recurring transactions, switch to the Recurring subpage. Here you may filter recurring information by:

  • Status
  • Date
  • Property and units
  • Client
  • Transaction category/sub-category


Last updated:
Jul. 12, 2024