How do I edit an invoice?

In order to edit an open invoice, go to the Accounting page and switch to the Transactions subpage. Click on the invoice you want to edit:

You may also click three dots next to the invoice you want to edit, to access the quick actions menu: 

Press on "Edit" at the top of the page, make any necessary changes in the pop-up, and select the "Confirm" button:

You can edit the payment details only if it was manually marked as paid. For that scroll a bit down to the Payment & Activity section and press on the more menu sign. Select the Edit option, update the payment information and confirm your action. From the more menu, you can also delete the invoice or record it as refunded. 

Please note!

You can only edit invoices with a status of open or partial, or invoices which were manually marked as paid. You cannot edit invoices that are pending, void, waived, or that were paid online.



Last updated:
Jul. 9, 2024