How do I sign an owner agreement?

The Owner Agreement is an important document that determines and regulates the relationship between the Owner/Co-owners on one end and the Property Manager on the other. This contract usually includes all necessary terms and conditions like reserves, management and service fees, property manager authority, etc.

The software allows Property Managers and Owners to sign Owner Agreements directly from their Dashboard. If your Property Manager has sent you an Owner Agreement, you will receive an email notification:

To sign the Owner Agreement, please log in to your account. When the Property Manager sends you an agreement, you will receive the notification. At the top of the page, you will see a banner with an Agreement. Click the “Review & sign” button to proceed. Alternatively, you can switch to the Agreements tab and click “Review & sign” next to the needed agreement to view the agreement details and sign the document:

Review all the provided information and press "Continue" at the bottom of the page to move to the next step. Review the Owner Agreement verbiage and check if all the provided information and attachments are clear and correct. 

Scroll down and find a place where your property manager requires you to put your signature. Enter your full name and initials in the appropriate fields. You can also draw your personal signature if you like. Click the "Draw Signature" button for that option and draw your signature in the appropriate field. 

Then click the "Sign the agreement" button at the bottom of the page to complete the process. The signed agreement will be added to your File Manager.


Last updated:
Apr. 17, 2024