How do I send a message?
Clicking the "Messages" icon in the header of your dashboard will take you to a page that allows you to send new messages. Search for a name within your connected contacts.
Please note, you can communicate via Messenger only with connected users:

Our internal message system differs from an e-mail account in several ways. You cannot send or receive messages from other message systems or from e-mail. This means that you can only send and receive messages from other connected users. The Messenger can be used to send messages to tenants and service pros from your Contacts list.
Our users receive new messages once they log in. If you are logged in, you are notified when new internal messages arrive by an icon in the top menu, or by a received message notification. Whether or not you are looking at the website, you can be alerted to new messages that will appear on your screen and stay for about 15 seconds before fading (if you do not cancel it yourself). Whether or not you choose to receive Desktop Notifications, you will still receive notifications via the red 'bubble' notifications on your dashboard.
Please Note: Desktop Notifications are currently available only for the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari. Depending on your browser preferences, you may have to re-enable Notifications after restarting the browser, clearing the cache, or clearing the history.
Enter a message. You can use attachments. Click the "attachment" button and upload the files. You can send a copy of this message to your recipient email. Click "Send":

Your landlord/property manager can communicate and share files with you in the Property Message Board. Job postings, items for sale (or wanted for purchase), lost or found items, notices and announcements can be posted here.
Please note! In order to access the message board, you should have an account, should be connected with the landlord/ property manager and have an active, shared lease.
Once the post is published by your landlord/property manager, you will need to go to Messenger and switch to Property Board (PB) channel.
A list of all publications which were posted by your landlord/property manager will be displayed on the left sidebar. You can find the needed publication using Search icon:

In order to write a comment on the needed post click on the "Write a response" field:

Please note! Your landlord can disable comments on the specific post. If landlord has disabled comments you will see the "Commenting this post is not available" notice.
In order to remove your comment please select "Delete" option from the three-dots menu:

Please note! You can remove your comments only if the comment was not seen by your landlord.
Also there is a separate “Maintenance Requests” section in your Messenger. When you submit a maintenance request for your landlord or the landlord shares the request with you, the system automatically creates the new “Maintenance Requests” tab for you. If there are few maintenance requests, the system will create a separate channel for each request.

Last updated:
Apr. 8, 2024