How do I manage all uploaded files?

The File Manager is a convenient place to preview, download, delete, and rename any of your saved files. All files uploaded to your account sections: property, leases, contacts, maintenance requests, and payments are automatically saved to the File Manager. You can find it in the Documents section on the left-side menu, File Manager sub-category.

You will see all your files throughout the system. You can easily find the required file by its name using the search field above:

You can easily filter the files by “File type” and “Property”, and save the filters:

The swimlane option divides the files per property and lets you view the files in a more convenient, ordered way:

Next to the file, you'll see the Dots menu appear. These are the  “Download,” “Edit name,” “Preview,” and “Delete” buttons. Click on “Preview” to see the content of the file. Use the “Edit Name” option to rename the file title:

Files with a chain icon next to them can only be downloaded or renamed. These files cannot be deleted, as they are linked to lease/owner agreements, and listings, or it could be property insurance, screening report, or shared notice:

To operate files in bulk, check the desired ones, select an option from the three-dot menu, and download or delete the files in bulk:



Last updated:
Jul. 12, 2024