How do I edit a property?
First, open Portfolio → "Properties" from the left-side menu and open the property you want to edit.

In order to edit the general property profile information, choose "Edit Property" from the "Dots" menu, make all the necessary changes, and press "Update" to complete the process:
Please note!
You cannot change the property type from single-family to multi-family and vice versa.
On the Specs tab, you can edit the information about keys, doors, paint, and flooring. Hovering on each record allows to edit the information or delete it:
On the Owners tab, you can edit the information referring to assigned owners, distributions, management fees, renewal, and service fees. Click on the Edit button on the top right-hand corner:
If you need to edit the insurance, loan, and/or property purchase information, go to the Financials tab. Hovering on each record allows to edit the information or delete it:

On the Utilities tab, you can edit the Responsibility and the Utility Providers separately. In order to edit each utility provider information you will need to hover over the record and press the Update in order to save changes:

Last updated:
Feb. 20, 2025