How do I cancel my subscription plan?

We're sorry to hear you're canceling your subscription. You can cancel at any time, and charges will stop immediately. Once canceled, your account will revert to the Free Plan, and you’ll lose access to features not included in that plan.

To cancel your subscription plan, go to the main "Settings" in the upper right corner of your screen and select “My plan” from the “Subscription” section:

To cancel your subscription, go to the "Actions" menu and select "Cancel Subscription." Then confirm by selecting either "Cancel subscription" to proceed or "Keep my subscription" if you change your mind.

Next, you’ll be asked why you’re canceling your plan. Your feedback helps us improve, so we appreciate any input. Once you’ve provided your reason, click “Continue.”

Finally, you’ll need to confirm the cancellation. You can choose to end the subscription immediately or at the end of the current period (in case of an active subscription). Then, enter your account password or a confirmation phrase in case of signing up with social media and confirm the cancellation.

Once completed, your account will switch to the Free Plan.

Please note!
Once you submit a cancellation request, no additional charges will be made. However, no refunds (prorated or otherwise) are provided upon cancellation. No exceptions will be made in the interest of fairness to all of our clients.


Last updated:
Sep. 19, 2024