How do I cancel my subscription plan?

We are sorry to hear you have decided to cancel your subscription. We would love to know how to improve or hear about your experience. You can submit a ticket sharing your feedback or suggestions. We would appreciate it a lot!

You can end your subscription and revert to a Free plan anytime.

When you cancel your paid subscription, it will be canceled immediately, and you will lose access to the features not included in the Free Plan.

Please note!
When you cancel your paid subscription plan, charges stop immediately.

To cancel your subscription plan, click on your profile picture and go to Settings, choose My plan tab from the “Subscription” section:

Go to the "Actions" menu and select "Cancel Subscription.

Please share your reason for canceling – we value your input. Choose from these options:

  • "I don't use it enough" or "I don't understand how to use it": Receive a short demo from our customer experience team.
  • "I need other features": Provide feedback on the features you want to see in our platform.
  • "I found another software": Share the name of the software you plan to switch to.
  • "It's too expensive" or "Lack of job offers": Get a free 3-month discount to explore our product's value.

If you don't want any additional offers, select "No, thanks", enter your account password, and confirm the cancellation.


Please note!
If you initially signed up through social media and didn't set a password, you may not have one yet. In that scenario, enter "Delete" in the Password field.

Afterward, you'll be immediately moved to the Free Plan.


Please note!
Once you submit a cancellation request, no additional charges will be made. However, no refunds (prorated or otherwise) are provided upon cancellation. No exceptions will be made in the interest of fairness to all of our clients.


Last updated:
Apr. 10, 2024