How do I request Renters Insurance from tenants?

We are glad to inform you that we have partnered with Assurant to make buying Renters Insurance easy and simple for your tenants! Policies also help tenants affordably meet the liability insurance requirement within most leases. 

Please Note! This option is only available for purchase in the USA.

Renters Insurance can be requested during the "Move-In" process.

Go to your Contacts and select the "Move-In" option from the three-dot menu:

Enter the required information and click the "Next step" button:

Set up Late and Management fees,  Grace Period and Utilities if needed. Click the "Next step" button:

On the "Insurance" page, select whether you require your tenants to purchase Renters Insurance. 

If your tenants are on a Combined lease, you can request renters insurance from a particular tenant. 

Also, confirm the property type, as currently there is no option to purchase coverage for Mobile/Manufactured Home, Commercial, Storage, Parking space, Room. As an interested party, provide your contact information to receive the policy information and other notifications regarding policy changes and claims. 

If you don't want your tenants to purchase Renters Insurance, you can switch off this option and click on the "Next step" button to continue creating a lease without Renters Insurance:

Complete the "Agreement and Signature" step (if this feature is enabled). Press the "Complete Move-In" button to finish the process:

That's it! Your tenants will be required to purchase the Renters Insurance. Once they do it, you'll be notified and a lease will become active. The insurance request is pending now:


Last updated:
May. 28, 2024